Bringing You The
Best HR Solutions

How do you implement HR (Human Resources) best practices to increase staff productivity and engagement for the company?
Would you like your team to grow the business with defined action plans and competencies?
We can help you overcome these challenges at Authentic HR by providing tailor-made, practical, and cost-effective solutions to suit your company’s needs.
You can learn more about what our client, Aylwin, said about us, ‘Authentic HR exceeded our expectations from standard consultancy work. Anna introduced us to the Authentic HR Performance Feedback Tool, including the workflow starting from the Company Goals, Objectives, and KPIs. It enlightened us on what we need to do as a team to grow our business with defined action plans and competencies.’
If you’d like to find out more about our HR solution that suits your company’s needs, please contact us to talk about a good HR solution to get you ready for your strategic growth.
Talent Mobility
- Our destination services comprise helping MNCs, Fortune 500 companies and Single Family Offices, setting up in, relocating their regional HQ or representative/sales office to, or expanding their market share in, Singapore. We also help expats, entrepreneurs investing in Singapore, and migrants and their families settle down in Singapore. We work with corporate lawyers and immigration specialists to make this as painless as possible.
HR Consulting Services
- Our customized HR solutions help our clients overcome short-term challenges (setting things right, tackling pain points) or plan for growth (laying the foundation for healthy, long-term growth).
- We provide bespoke HR services across the entire spectrum of HR functions. This model allows us to offer one-stop HR services while keeping costs low and effective. Our professional services include dedicated time and resources, on-site or off-site for your business, customized employment contracts, and on-going documentation/policy reviews and updates.
HR Recruitment Services
- Our recruitment business matches candidate for local SMEs, MNCs, and Fortune 500 companies in Singapore. We get involved in the entire recruitment process for all levels of vacancies from blue colors to senior management. We help our clients identify, evaluate, and recruit candidates who share your organization's values and goals. And we provide guidance to our candidates to help them get to where they want to go in their career.

We Share The Same Vision, Value, & Expertise To Provide The Best Destination Service To Our Customers.

Articles Of The Week

Identify our strengths and apply them appropriately

How does HR outsourcing work?

5 Perks of HR Outsourcing