How to make your new hire successful?

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To engage your new hires well and help them be successful in the first 30, 60, and 90 days and the future.  It starts with your hiring processes.

During the hiring processes, the relationship between an employer and employee has already kicked off, such as negotiating the compensation and benefit, waiting for the offer, on-boarding orientation, announcement internally, getting ready for the seat, tools, buddy system, clear KPI, etc.  If any lapse in communication and feedback frequently, it will sour the working relationship that directly or indirectly affects the success rate of the new hires.

The processes are not something new, but whether employers will consider those are the success factors and do it right in the first place to engage and develop the new hires.  Reality tells us it is not the priority in most cases.

To bring the best/right talent on board nowadays is a challenge – time-consuming and costly.  The survey tells us that every attrition will cost at least 6-12 months’ salary or higher to backfill.

In summary, let’s put the right resources and focus on engaging and coaching the new hires who appreciate the opportunity and play their role effectively and efficiently.

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